Can I Cut Cable with Roku ?

Why Roku

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How to cut the cord

It’s intimidating to call the cable or satellite provider to cancel your service, don’t call when you are not ready emotionally or with information. To make it easier here are some tips that worked for me as a Roku user.

Be prepared

  • Gather your latest Bill or bills, visit their website and check the internet-only rates for new subscribers. Ask for this rate when call to reduce your service.
  • Pick a time and place where you won’t feel rushed, depending on your provider you may have to spend more time that you allocated for this call and you may have to speak to several people before you can cancel cable.
  • If there are other providers in your area, check their internet-only rates as well, you can ask for this rate with your current provider if it’s lower or you can transfer or move to another provider if you choose to. You might get a better deal by switching service or telling your current provider that you are thinking about switching and they might give you a better deal.
  • Sometimes the best option is not to call but use the service provider’s chat. Sometimes there are internet only rates which are lower than when you call for service. I’ve used this personally and like it not only because I’ve gotten the internet rate but also I can save chat history for reference on the service I’ve requested.
  • Your service provider will likely offer you bundle deals, free months of premium channels, or other incentives. When this happens, be sure to ask when the deals expire. You don’t want to end up paying more a few months down the road.
  • When your service provider tempts you with retention offers, remember all the money you’ll save. If you take one of these deals, set a reminder for when it expires so you can try again before rates go up.

What equipment do I need to cut the cord?

All you will need is a high-speed internet connection, a streaming device, and streaming channels. And with my personal experience and I would think with most of us, we already have all of this without realizing it.

If you are reading this Blog from home chances are you already have an internet connection, you might need to revisit the speed subscription you have if your internet speed is in the lower spectrum. High-speed internet connection check.

While you have your cable subscription, chances are you are also subscribed to 1 or 2 streaming channel such as Netflix, Hulu and Disney+ to mention a few. Also most people also have Amazon Prime subscription which comes with Amazon Prime Video. Streaming Channel check.

You have Smart TV, cell phone, Tablet ? Well you have a streaming device, depending on the brand of your Smart TV, it comes with streaming channels such as Netflix, Youtube, etc. Your cell phone and tablet can be used to stream different channels as well. So Streaming device , half-check.

I say half-check for streaming device, because although you can stream using your existing device, if you are going to continue to watch your TV shows or movies in your TV, you will need a device that like the device your are used to, using remote , looking for channels, having a lots of options. This is where the Roku streaming device comes in handy, you can add a lot streaming channels, and will act as a replacement for your cable box without the monthly rental fees. Compared to your Smart TV which has limited number of applications , the Roku streaming devices comes with a lot of free channels like The Roku Channel and Tubi, on-demand services like Netflix and Disney+, and cable alternatives like Sling and YouTube TV, it’s easy to enjoy the same entertainment while saving money every month.

Can I still watch local channel, news and sports If I cancel my cable TV?

Yes, there are many streaming channels that offer live local sports and news. Live news is available for free on The Roku Channel, Tubi is streaming local news, locast is also another alternative for local channels if your area happened to be in their service area. You can also sign up for cable alternative channels to get local sports. Depending on where you live, you may be able to watch both for free with an HDTV antenna.

Can I cut cable but still keep my internet service from the same provider?

Yes, you are not required to subscribe to a cable TV package or other services from your cable provider in order to get internet access. Most providers offer internet-only packages that are less expensive than bundled internet, cable, phone, and other services.

So Can I cut cable with Roku

The answer is a definite yes, you can definitely cut the cable guy with Roku.

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